Mississippi State RolePlay

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Mississippi State RolePlay is a FiveM Server founded in June 2019. We hope to provide a community in which everyone feels at home whilst interacting with all of our members. Our priority is making sure that our community has a say in what they'd like to see and what they'd like changed. Equality is where everything starts - we love the idea of promoting a communal spirit. We are entirely streamer friendly with a proactive moderation team ensuring that we provide the best possible experience at all times. Should you have any questions, please feel free to talk to any of us!

Frequently Asked Questions

The server is usually up 24/7. The easiest way to see how populated our server is at any time, and whether it is up or not is by using our bot command in our discord

We try to host monthly events that include anyone and everyone who wishes to participate. They will be announced in our events channel located in our discord. This will give you a brief description of the event, time, location, dates and the prizes.